NEW FOR 2020, Lila Weisberger, BridgeXngs Poetry Center, is offering a virtual ACTIONWEEKEND (AWE)

in association with iaPOETRY,

July 25-26, 2020, from 12 – 4 PM EDT, on ZOOM.

You are warmly welcomed to this special space where we can come together to write, create, and communicate.  To register for this event, please see the contact details at end.We look forward to seeing you there!

Every day is a fresh beginning;

Listen, my soul, to the glad refrain,

And, spite of old sorrow and older sinning,

And puzzles forecasted and possible pain,

Take heart with the day, and begin again.

Susan Coolidge


SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2020 12-4 PM EDT

NOON:Introduction and Entrance Meditation with Debbie-Ann Chambers

12:15- 1:15 SESSION ONE: Lila Weisberger:

Where Does Joy Reside?

Resiliency during the pandemic

BREAK: 1:15 – 1:30

1:30 – 2:30 SESSION TWO: Ger Campbell:

“Poetry is the way we give name to the nameless so it can be thought. The furthest horizons of our hopes and fears are cobbled by our poems. Carved from the rock, experiences of our daily lives.” Audre Lorde. Join me in an explorative writing session and discussion based on the theme of “When A Woman Speaks Her Truth”. Together we will write our truth based on our own experiences of daily life throughout the pandemic.

BREAK: 2:30 – 2:45

2:45 – 3:45 SESSION THREE: Alejandra Monroy:

From Acorn To Oak Tree.

Sometimes we reach our highest growth and yet we continue to grow by the products of what we have created in our life. Just as an acorn contains an oak tree, there’s a new person inside each one of us. What does it take for us to start again? In this online facilitation we will explore what happens outside and inside of us that leads us to create a new start.

SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2020 12-4 PM EDT

NOON:Introduction and Entrance Meditation

12:15 – 1:15 SESSION ONE:Nessa McCasey with Lila Weisberger:

Using Words To Explain The World

“I dream of dancing…”

BREAK: 1:15 – 1: 30

1:30 – 2:30 SESSION TWO:Patti Russo:

On Kindness and Connection.

Henry James famously said, “Three things in life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Poet Micheal Blumenthal adds that we should be kind “not merely because Henry James says to, but because it’s good for the soul, and, what’s more, or others.” In her AWE workshop, Patti will share one of her high school lesson plans – On Kindness and Connection – from her intergenerational poetry program, “Partners in Rhyme.”

BREAK: 2:30 – 2:45

2:45 – 3:45 SESSION THREE: Debbie-Ann Chambers:

Treasure Chest of Poems

“The treasure that we are looking for is hidden in our house”

~ M. Rumi.

In this final workshop, participants will be asked to journal and reflect on the key takeaways and moments from the Actionweekend. Participants’ reflections and journal entries will be used to create personal and collective poetry. Varied techniques, from unstructured to structured writing and poetic forms, will be used as prompts depending on participants’ needs. Finally, willing participants will be encouraged to ‘perform’ a piece from their treasure chest


Cathleen Perez Brenycz: Poem: Insomniac by Maya Angelou Prompts: Write about an object or need that you employ to win its service. Option 2: Free write, starting with: There are some nights…

Sharon Groth: In The Door Of The Barn: We will explore and create poetic doors and doorways.


$50.00 one day or

$75.00 for both days

Enrollment is limited to 20 participants. Please register asap.


Please e-mail Cathleen Perez Brenycz at: